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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lord Mana

Name:             Lord Mana
Date Of Birth: June 7th
Nationality:     Watermark Kingdom
Height:            172cm
Fighting Style:Frozen Poleaxe / Ice Lance

Lord Mana is in charge of the Utopian Federation Society and Culture, yet his skills in combat far exceeds the Utopian Minister of War. Lord Mana is a moderate man on the inside, while underneath he is still as ambitious as any Utopian Lord struggling for power after witnessing Queen Rasa incompetence's on the throne.

Lord Mana is the leader representing the frozen oceanic regions of Watermark Kingdom. Rich in natural resources, Lord Mana easily disguises the colony's income and in the shadows, massing a large amount of fund for an assault fleet a large enough to invade Utopia.

Lord Mana and Lord Velther had been juggling with the Utopian turmoiled society for decades. Slowly putting themselves as a buffer zone and the middle man between the Nobles and the Commoner's class of Utopia. Although he realised that King Panthera's economic revolution was meant for the good of the nation and the society, Lord Mana disagrees that the method is the best solution to ease the gap and promote coexistence between the two different Utopian classes.

When matter's got worse Lord Mana choose to defend the Noble's dignity as the head and leader of the Utopian Elite society while Lord Velther choose too become the champion of the common people. Even if both lords are seeking the same goals in their service to the Utopian Federation, they both had different method and ways in getting their things done.

Thus during the fateful battle on the plains of Zelagross both friend and lords will face each other as enemies presenting the sides they believed in...

Lord Mana believed that by becoming the most powerfull man in Utopia (becoming King) he had the authority to reconstruct the hierarchy of the Utopian society abolishing both the Noble and Commoner's status: where all man and woman made equal under the rule of one king.

Highly ambitious and powerful in both the art of fighting and magic, Lord Mana excels in both long and close ranged combat: earning him the title "Utopian Battle Mage" amongst the Utopian society.

Lord Flame

Name: Lord Flame
Date Of Birth: January 13th
Nationality: Badlands Guild
Height: 178cm
Fighting Style: Sword Fencer / Flame Thrower

Lord Flame is the no-nonsense, unconventional and a roughneck leader of the Badlands Guild. A colony within the Utopian Federation that is well known for their talented but unrefined members consist of problematic officers and deserters.

Lord Flame is the leader of the Utopian Federation Conservative Nobles. The Conservatives are nobles with old Utopian beliefs and political view. The Conservatives cherished power and conquest over anything else. Their warlike policies had served Utopian well during war campaigns and expanding territories.

The Conservatives unlike the more modern counterparts seek glory and fame while proving their worthy in the battlefield. When King Panthera declared that the Utopian had abandoned the idea of world conquest and shifted the nation's policy towards trade and commerce, Lord Flame and the conservatives finds the change was to much to bear for a battle scarred soldier.

Lord Flame is also the leader of the Utopian State Colony of Badlands. A state that was given to by King Panthera to recognised Lord Flame courage and undivided service for the Utopian Nation.

Lord Flame does not bode well with King Panthera's idea of giving up the old warring type of living while introducing trade and commerce as an alternative economical activity for it's people. Lord Flame had argued that free trade and "each for his own" policy in economy will disturb the balance between the Nobles and the Commoner standings in the Utopian hierarchy.

Time had prove this theory to be right...and at the crisis height, King Panthera had abandoned his throne, only to be succeeded by his weak daughter; Queen Rasa. Lord Flame saw the Queen's lack of leadership as an opportunity. Ever since, Lord Flame had been doing nothing but pulling the puppet strings around the Utopian Queen towards his favor.

Like Lord Mana, Lord Flame also had been secretly desiring for the Utopian Throne. Perhaps he was so busy spoiling and winning Queen Rasa's attentions, he had been diverted from his original plans of taking over Utopia from the Queen's hand. The issues matter's not; since manipulating the Queen is as good as becoming a king himself.

However, Lord Flame failed to realised that other colleagues also had the same vision as he is...and even in a larger scale!

Lord Flame despises the Commoner's. The old Utopian hierarchy had placed the commoner's are no better than slaves and pawns in war. When the commoner's tried demanded to be granted a noble title during the Utopian Economic boom...Lord Flame had been fully involved in ridding such demands and extinguishing possible commoner's uprising stemming out from the issue. much as Lord Flame hated the commoner's, he did not wish for a total extermination of the caste just like what Queen Rasa had wished for. Lord Flame realised that the nobles need the commoner's as a tool to achieve the nation's goal.

Lord Flame fought with his fencing sword. In his second mode, Lord Flame was able to emulate a flamethrower using his left arm to burn his enemies.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


...meanwhile, Her Majesty Queen Rasa will held an emergency meeting with the Utopian Senate, regarding issues dealing the rebels this Tuesday. Her Majesty requested that the Senate consider a zero tolerance to the culprit and leader of the rebels for this is the utmost, dire case of treachery towards the Utopian Government.

Bada: Oh, good morning Tangerine. You are back late last night.

Tangerine: Good Morning. What's for breakfast?

Bada: The usual. Help yourself, it's on the kitchen table...

Tangerine: Thanks...

Bada: By The are things going between you and Wint...

Tangerine: Shhh...go by her codename...there are eyes and ears on the walls. At this stage a simple thing could jeoperdize years of our hard work.

Bada: Opsie.

Tangerine: Ume agreed to help us out on this one. Reluctant, but she will cooperate with us...

Bada: Some of us had been here for so long, leaving this place in's not easy.

Tangerine: ...rather this place than Atlantis.

Bada: Yes, my lady.

Tangerine: Bada, you been fumbling with that phone since i wake up. What's the matter?

Bada: Ummm...trying to contact Nihja...i'm worried about her progress in Zelagross.

Tangerine: Don't tell me she sidetracked herself and currently joyriding in the desert...

Bada: I'm afraid so...

Tangerine: Give the phone to me...

Bada: Here you go...good luck.

Tangerine: I'm so going to blast her with my magic cannon if she did not pick up...


Bada: ...still unavailable?

Tangerine: Wait a sec...i give it one more try.

Nihja: Sands...sands...sands...sands!!!...everywhere i go it looked the same! could someone ever think of a stupid idea of making a base in the middle of these sands!'s to exposed, there is no resources, bad camouflage...and the heat spoils machine performances. phone is ringing! Hullo?

Tangerine: Nihja! What on earth are you doing there? Didn't i told you to go too the rebels camp and negotiate with Lord Velther?!

Nihja: Relax, I am...getting there! That's right...yeah...i'll be there in no time.

Tangerine: You are joyriding around the dessert with that bike of yours isn't it?

Nihja: ...such is a false accusations...Oren!

Tangerine: I can see you from this monitor Nihja, you are doing nothing but running around in circles within the 10 kilometre radius. are not an inch closer to that base!

Nihja: Oren not fair! ...putting tracking device on me!

Tangerine: (Whispers)...tracking device?

Bada: That was my idea.

Tangerine: I guess it can't be help. Someone need to put a leash on her.

Bada: should know better.

Tangerine: Hey...hey you Nihja! Now you listen to me and listen good...we are two days away from a civil war and you hadn't strike any deal with that Velther guy...

Nihja: ...dum dee dum...

Tangerine: ...are you really listening to me? We are working against time here. We need to negotiate with...

Nihja: (turning off the phone)...i know...i know, quit chirping in my ear it hurts.

...well, looks like it's up to the amazing Nihja to save the future of this world eh? Better reach that Rebel camp before it's getting dark.

...not to mentioned i hate boring negotiations. I'ts plain boring. I better ask for a raise from Oren once we go back to Atlantis (laughs)

...tally hoo!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Queen Rasa

Name:              Queen Rasa
Date Of Birth:   July 3rd
Nationality:       Utopian Federation
Height:             158cm
Fighting Style:    -

Queen Rasa is the 3002th ruler (and the last) of the Utopian Federation. Accending to the Utopian Throne against her wish after her father, King Panthera sudden disappearance, Queen Rasa reluctantly does her duty and put all the blame for her shortcomings on her missing father.

With no interest on becoming the ruler of the Utopian Federation, Queen Rasa had little knowledge on how to run a country. She relied heavily on her subordinates on making crucial decision or when seeking input on certain issues. On one too many occasions, she just barely made an effort to even think about the situation and just hastily tossed in commands suggested by her advisors.

Queen Rasa ideas of becoming a ruler is just to fill in the position until a more suitable candidate arrives. The Utopian Senate had assured her that her coronation was temporary, however - Queen Rasa was unaware that the politicians had chosen to let her stay in power and turn her into a puppet ruler for their own personal benefits.

Queen Rasa was unaware that she is being manipulate by everyone, including her most trusted Lords. Lord Flame had been using her to rid out the commoners and steering her towards the conservative path of war and conquest. Lord Mana and Lord Velther had been plotting up a rebellion to bring down the queen while Senator Tangerine after having an argument and was discharged by the queen, started her own uprising and contributed greatly to the fall of the Utopian City.

In addition, the Queen bad reputation amongst the commoners and her lavish lifestyle had leads to cracks in the Utopian society as gaps began widening between the Nobles and the commoners. The Utopian economy and the financial reserve had began to decrease rapidly due too the queen overspending. 

As the invasion of The Watermark Kingdom took place, the Utopian City and her queen succumbed within the towering flames and falling debris...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Preperation Of An Assault

The Utopian Federation Army are gathering what seems to be a mixed up forces of loyalist, volunteers and mercenaries in order to fight off rebels that are massing in numbers at the far desert region of Zelagross... was believed that the expedition was fully supported by her majesty, Queen Rasa herself. Despite the growing anti-discrimination protest amongst the commoners, the what so called "remnants" of the Utopian Army that remained loyal to the Queen cause had predicted that the assault on the rebels will be a swift and quick victory.

...the rebels who are poorly equipped and unorganized had been fortifying their ground at a place noted by the Utopian tactician as the worse place to hold out a stand. It will be a matter of time until the geography, nature and harsh weather condition gets the best of the rebels and greatly reduced their morale and motivation to bring down the Utopian Government.

...Lord Mana had stated that the Rebels are welcome to negotiate terms with the Utopian Government, should in case they decided end the crisis peacefully.

However until today, the rebels had made no response to Lord Mana offer for peace talks.

Blinkiddies: Remember your briefings guys, carry only the equipment each of you assigned too during the assault on that Zelagross.

Whoammy: We are not allowed to carry extras?

Blinkiddies: Nope. You can carry as much ammunition you can bring with you but you guys don't have much of a privilege of grabbing any extra guns you like to heat up the party.

...there is a weight limit for the Paper Crane, and we are also ferrying vehicles and EQ to the hot zone.

Whoammy: ...can't be helped. Proposed to Lord Armdagger to get Avalon a bigger ship.

Silver: Speaking of Lord Armdagger, I've didn't see the lord together with Sanji and Deadbird after the end of our briefing's earlier.

Vulpine: They went to hangar 13.

Silver: What are they there for?

Vulpine: Oh...everyone is there...Lord Flame will be arriving with his personal transport at hangar 13.

Blinkiddies: Yeah...Lord Flame is one tough customer...

Ravenmin: There are rumours that Lord Flame was aiming for the throne. So now it seems that Lord Mana is facing stiff competitors from the conservative noble leader.

Silver: Well...let's make a move and haul these things up the Paper Crane...

Ravenmin: ...i was thinking, where did those mercenary boys go?

Silver: I heard that they are hanging around town looking for equipments and firearms from the Black Market.

Ravenmin: Cutting down cost?

Silver: Mercenary is a kind of business...

Lutherniel: See Alonq...we got a pair of Anti-Tank A Type Long throw Grenades, A Bazooka for me, a dozen of Anti Tank Missiles, High Velocity Assault Rifle...that's for you buddy, a set of mini Surface to Air Missiles, Gatling Guns, RPG's, a pair of handguns, King Arthur replica sword for close combat, more Gatling guns, a backpack full of rations...just in case we got stranded somewhere in the desert, even more Gatling guns, 3 Pack Tank Busting Rail gun, much much more Gatling guns...

Alonqexe: Okay...okay...i get it!

Lutherniel: So...i did a good job scavenging for cheap firearms all around

Alonqexe: I dunno...somehow i got this funny gut feeling that you are missing something very important.

Lutherniel: Dude...what is more important than mercenaries arming themselves too the teeth before the big fight kicks in.

Alonqexe: Did you get us a transport?

Lutherniel: We need transport?

Alonqexe: Off course we need a transport. What do you expect us to do...hitch hike our way all the way from Utopia to Zelagross?

Lutherniel: I taught it was provided by the organisers.

Alonqexe: Huh...never mind that. How much money do we have left. I try and get us one...

Lutherniel: ...

Alonqexe: Lutherniel?

Lutherniel: ...none...

Akonqexe: Lutherniel!!!

- To Battle!

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