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Enter A New Chapter...

The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Over Dinner

The night breeze, The evening skies,
Under the shade of a trillion stars, i watch over you...

                                                                            - Rose (23rd March 2011)

Lady Junna: You better cat up there before the food gets cold...

Bunny Two: It smells great my lady! Thank you so much for lefting me stay.

Lady Junna: Yes..only for tonight. I won't be so lenient about this " run away" affair tomorrow. Your parents should be worried sick right could you just ran away like that?

Bunny Two: I'm sorry... i had no choice.

Lady Junna: ... i guess i could let it past. since you are so desperate about your search- and we had not much of a time left for a lengthy dialogue..sigh

...well I'll guess we curry on then .. else i will be charged for holding a kid as hostage... (laughs)

Bunny Two: I had no idea that the Atlantian government was so involved in the Utopian Federation crisis. Atlantis had a very strict policy in guarding it secrets and prohibited contact of any kinds on others foreign countries.

Lady Junna: Yes.. the Gates of Marduk and the Gilgamesh System are mend to be keeping the Atlantian in and others people out.

..even that policy had been rapidly changing ever since the Badlands Revolt.

Bunny Two: You are a foreigner too.

Lady Junna: Well i guess i am (laugh)

.. by the way child, had you had any ideas on how long has it been that the Atlantians had set it eyes on Utopia?

Bunny Two: hmmm... no ideas...

Lady Junna: ...for almost two decades.

Bunny Two: ...that's the same years when Lord Panthera, the 3001 st king of Utopia, ascended to the throne!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bad Sunday Start

I woke early on Sunday the fifth. I had these urge to go out that early Sunday morning, grab my Digital Camera and drove by to my nearest hot spot that very 5.30pm.

The whole street was dark, no doubt people are still in their beds. I quickly grab my sweater and a small bottle of iced water from the fridge. I left my mobile phone, thinking that i won't be needing it since i was out for a quick morning AIC figma shots.

I grab the figma's, pop in the Cd's and pump up the car stereo. I had no idea what fate had in stored for me that day!

I arrived at my fav place, some place far from the main road; a remote area with gravel road. I decided to swerve my car but ended overdoing the turn making my car falls full frontal into an unseen muddy rain made ditch.

It was still dark, frantically i wrestle in the mud trying to wedge my car out by placing planks and stones under the sunken tires. The whole car didn't even nudge...instead the wheels dig deeper almost reaching the car headlight section. I decided to stop. This is not going to work.

I opted for a tow truck. A number of a tow truck service was just sticking my car windshield but to my horror i didn't bring along my mobile phone. I waved at every passing motorist, screaming for help and asking them to stop. At the very least one of them wouldn't mind borrowing them their mobile phone.

If anybody cared to stop. None did.

I fully understand if the lone motorcyclist decided not to stop for me. I might be some kind of a pretentious robber. As a matter of fact i was there on the roadside while my car was somewhere in the wilderness - getting stuck in the mud. But what about the ones accompanied by a passenger? You got your friends to watch your backs for you while you are trying to check the situation out.

Maybe they assumed that i had a whole army of robbing bandits hiding for them in the bush?

I continued waving, some waved back...others mumble a few words back at me as they drove by, surprisingly some start increasing their speed! No one stopped. I went back into the country road looking for some village or house, there's a couple of huts but there are no occupants present. I turn back again to the main road...

There i saw an old Chinese man busily stamping a few empty aluminium cans that he collected from the side of the streets. I approach him cautiously; afraid that he might get a shocker of his life jump on his bike and rode away. I told him my troubles, asked him if he had any mobile phone with him - he said nay...

However he agreed to drove me to a nearby gas station and try to make my call from there...we ride for a few miles, get a hang on a phone and dial up the tow guy. The tow truck came and the rest was self explanatory.

That guy is a lifesaver - i had to pay 80 bucks for the towing service.

Since i was in a lot of mess that day i decided to stay put and finish my business photographing the bloody figma's. I was halfway there!

So guys ,never leave your mobile phone no matter how short or how brief your journey might be. Avoid the hassle. I waved liked a madman for hours just to borrow a damn mobile phone.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Dear Diary

Time: 10.07

Location: Lady Junna's Villa - Astoria Fishing Village: Atlantis Region

Bunny Two: Wow...this room is BIG! Wonder why Lady Junna lives alone...doesn't she have any family members?

Bunny Two: Speaking of family members...I wonder how's Bunny One doing back home. She's probably still mad at me for running away...leaving her with all the chores and a bakery shop to look after.

Bunny Two: ...not to mentioned getting older brother Vladurac and big sister Phantome' into trouble...our whole family is under strict surveillance by the Eastern Kingdom Internal Security Administration.

...they are so fussy! Especially that Nihja person...spying on us everyday and night - i hope she won't notice my absence...evermore i hope nobody making such a big deal over my runaway affairs!

Bunny Two: Where's Lady she done yet? I'm hungry...sigh...might as well write something in the Diary first.

Bunny Two: Hmmmm...let me see..Dear Diary;

[ Day 5 Of The Watermark Kingdom Blockade] i wrote this down, the Watermark Kingdom Fleet continously bombards our city outer warpgate. Everyone is preparing for war - everybody is worried.

I wish i could help, but what can i do? Rumours had it that the only way to keep the invaders from breaching into Atlantis is to reinforced the Gates Of Marduk.

The Gates Of Marduk had stood for many by the ancients that discovered this land.


The technology was so old that in order to fully utilize it's defensive functions, the operator need to fully master the language of the ancients. -it was a very old language: to be precise...extinct!

The only person who are still capable of dechiphering the Ancient Atlantian code is none other than Rose; unfortunately, she refuses to cooperate and was branded by the Atlantian Prime Minister as a traitor.

...Rose is also a member of The Watermark Knights; earning the recognition and was invited to serve Lord Mana after the end of the Badlands Revolt...i wonder if she will truly abandoned us?

...i wonder if she took part on the assault at Marduk Gate?

...if not; i wonder where she go? many questions *sigh*

So i've decided that this time, i looked for the answer myself! has been (6 hours) since i managed to climb down my bedroom window and sneaked my way out to the Eastern Empire shipyard for a passage to the center island of Astoria. I must be very lucky, nobody followed me and dragged me back home...YET!

...maybe Bunny One miraculously end up overslept and didn't wake up as early as usual.

I didn't say where i go but i did left a note on my pillow saying "if you can read this, please do not follow me; i will do my part of the chores once i come back home..." - i hope they read it!

...rumours had it that on the outskirts of a more remote island around Astoria's lived an old lady...young women by the name of Lady Junna.

Lady Junna is a historian. She had a knack in recording historical events and have been said to served countless nations before settling down in Astoria. Lady Junna is my only hope in tracking down Rose.

Rose is an avid traveller - maybe they had cross ways before - the world is a small place...isn't it?

Bunny Two: Lady Junna started to tell me tales about The Utopian Federation...i do learned about them in my history class but i tend to feel rather sleepy everytime my teacher start discussing about the topic... can't be helped!!!

Lady Junna mentioned that the whole story about the Utopian Federation is inter-related to the events that happened today...and might also be the clue to find Rose's whereabouts.

...Queen Rasa; mad and dissolutioned by the fact that her daddy King Panthera had left her helplessly alone with his abandoned paperwork whines night and day (...and firing senates in the process) about how unlucky she is in this life - carrying a burden she had never wished for.

Being a spoil brat, she blames everything at her missing father, who seems to vanished overnight.

Manipulating her flaws are two high ranking nobles: Lord Flame and Lord Mana....

The nobles are seperated into two factions....The Conservatives (under Lord Flame influences) doesn't seem to be highly intelectual - all they could think of is making more war and conquering more lands...

...these nutcracker intended to control the Queen while turning all things into their favour - what a nutshell!

The other faction seems more "brainier". Yes, these nobles also seems to bent on world conquest, but instead of using the Queen of the puppet, they planned to reinstated a new goverment and uses the Utopian Crisis as a turning point to boot the queen and take over the throne.

I've also learned that the leader of this faction; Lord Mana is the future ruler of the Watermark Kingdom...this is the person responsible for all the troubles we had now! What a nuisance...i wish i could punch him in the face!

...and there were the volunteers from Avalon; one of Utopia Federation outer teritory colonies. Avalon specialized in cyborgs technology - thus the Avalon can assemble an artificial army in a very short notice.

Other colonies seems reluctant to send in their troops in fear of having to face a similar revolt at home.

Since cyborgs can't revolt...

...there are also non-Utopian involved - mercenaries. Maybe Utopia was desperate since the bulk of the Utopian Military manpower are commoners...(duh) don't want to mess with the masses!

The mercenaries - honestly i was imagining groups of people who looked like a half starving man who would do anything for food....seems to be a very professional job...(was i thinking about an assasin?)

...Lady Junna mentioned something about one of the mercenary witnessed Rose involvement in the Utopian civil war at Zel...Zela...(arghhhh!!! i forgot the name of the place!)...err...Zelabela!

Note: Please ask Lady Junna again regarding this... my suprise, i recently learned that both Tangerine and Rose secretly getting involved in the Utopian Crisis. It's no suprise that Rose do...she had a keen interest in exploring and learning about the world outside Atlantis...

- but for the Atlantis Prime Minister Tangerine; who imposed a strict "closed doors" policy when it comes too international affairs...seing her as part of of the former Utopian Senate is quite a suprise.

...i must dig into this futher. I can't wait for my next discussion with Lady Junna...

Bunny Two: I guess that's all i can write about for now...i ran out of ideas. I wonder if Lady Junna had finish cooking dinner. I hope she's not a bad cook!

Lady Junna: Bunny Two you can come down now...dinner is ready!

Bunny Two: I'll be right there Lady Junna!

...well i guess i've stop here...i will write more next time...bye diary!

To Be Continued...

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