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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Location: Queen Rasa personal safety bunker

Time: 2 hour after the launch of the Utopian fleet to Zelagross

Yuusuke: Congratulations my Queen. The Utopian fleet has successfully launched and are on it's way to deal with the rebels at Zelagross.

Lie L C: No act of sabotage occurs during the launch my Queen. The fleet...

Queen Rasa: The people...what about the people out there rioting and disrespecting my decision?

Yuusuke: They are but just a tiny demonstrators my Queen, nothing to be concerned of. The security...

Queen Rasa: My security is gone! My protector and my shields are all embarking on a mission to Zelagross! Here i am, left behind with some ragged tagged bits and pieces of...

Yuusuke: I beg your pardon my Queen, we are not the "bits and pieces" that you referring to aren't we?

Deadbird: We sucks. Admit it.

Yuusuke: The Queen has no confidence in our abilities to serve and protect her?

Deadbird: In comparison to our Lords, we are no equal...

Yuusuke: ......

Lie L C: My Queen, we will equally protect you with our life...there are over a thousand soldiers protecting this premise, 24 hours a day. There is nothing to worry about.

Queen Rasa: The people...the commoners will always find a way to take my life!

Deadbird: ...i think it's time for the Queen to rest. I will stay and guard the Queen personally. Continue your surveillance around the premise.

Yuusuke: We are taking our leave then. excuse us my Queen.

Yuusuke: Well, what do you guys think?

Reppu: I think the queen are beginning to loose her marbles.

Lie L C: Reppu! How could you....

Yuusuke: Ha! Ha! Ha! Mercenaries point of view won't count here Lie...but you have to admit. Your Queen are in some kind of paranoia.

Lie L C: Putting myself in her shoe, who wouldn't...

Reppu: A ruler shall never show weakness, for the follower will waver...

Lie L C: well, we covered all the grounds, since i am not that good with ground support work i will scout the skies then. I doubt that any of the commoners ever had the capability to strike trough air but...

Yuusuke: Great idea, never underestimate the commoners.

Lie L C: I see you guys later then.

Yuusuke: ...just keep in mind that the hardest part is not providing security for the Queen. Making sure that she is safe and "body guarding" her throughout the Senatorial Assembly tomorrow will be the toughest job ever.

Reppu: ...if someone wanted to kill her badly, a day at the Utopian Senate will provide a higher rate of success than any other options.

Yuusuke: We need everything we got...there will be no pay if the asset is gone.

Lie L C: You call the Queen your asset?

Yuusuke: YOUR Queen. I am just a profiteer.

Reppu: I am bringing some men to patrol the Queen Bunker facility.

Lie L C: I am of too the launch bay as well. The place should be cleared by now since our fleet launched 3 hours ago.

Yuusuke: In that case, i am heading out too the Commoners Resident Sector.

Reppu: Looking for trouble?

Yuusuke: I might sniffed out something useful out there...a little espionage won't hurt.

Reppu: Don't die.

Yuusuke: I have no intention to let you have all the reward money...

Reppu: ...

Yuusuke: Officers, don't let anybody go inside the Queen's room without ID screening and any of the higher official authorisation.

Better yet, escort the person and keep your eyes glued on them. Even if Deadbird are in there i am not taking any chances.

Utopian Soldier: Yes sir!

Yuusuke: Don't hesitate to call for backup. The Queen safety is our main priority!

Lie L C: Tough job being the ones in charge?

Yuusuke: It is an honor for a mercenary to be trusted such duties.

Lie L C: You do have a choice...

Yuusuke: ...a choice between guarding the Queen or having fun at Zelagross? I wonder how the other two swashbuckler's are doing...

Alonqexe: Great...just great Lutherniel. Filling in rocket fuel on a jet. You are such a genius at mechanics! Now we are behind the fleet by 3 hours and this piece of junk won't fly any faster!

Lutherniel: How should i know!

Alonqexe: Shut up!

Lutherniel: I won't!

Monday, December 12, 2011


Halfy is the beefed up Rambo looking Hoofdcommissaris of the Utopian Federation and also Lord Mana most trusted Commandant. Lord Mana trust Halfy to the extend that he shares his plan to overthrow Queen Rasa and invades Utopian with him.

Halfy fights with a sawed of blaster, lack in range but as deadly as a shotgun, Halfy is the only Utopian Officer that fights with firearms. The Utopian officer mostly preferred hand held weapon such as swords and spears and consider firearms as cowardice and less elegant. But such ideology does not work with Halfy realistic beliefs. At the end of the day, the death counts says all.

Halfy belongs to the extinct humanoid race known as Ravens. The Raven are so much alike their human counterparts that the race blends into the human society and adapting well with the human culture. The reason for an adaptable humanoid to be extinct is largely the effect of the Great Silhouette War where the Utopian began expanding their power in the regions outside of the human realms. When the great Raven world of equinox was threatened, the Ravens turn against the human and fought back the intrusion.

Taken aback by the Raven sheer determination to fight until the last man, the Utopian King ordered a total annihilation of this hard and determined race, for such an example of courage and fearlessness will surely sparks an inspiration for new rebellion against Utopia.

Halfy's Raven form allows him to sprout a pair of black wings from his back. Halfy can maneuver himself in the air as easily as he walks and runs on the ground. With flying as an advantage, the Ravens are a tough adversaries for the Utopian to beat during the Great Silhouette War. Halfy spend two month in the Utopian Dungeon awaiting his execution for resisting the Utopian Invasion Forces.

At the end of the war, Lord Mana decided to spare Halfy life in exchange of his service for the lord. Halfy scornfully asked Lord Mana the benefit of serving his enemies, in which Lord Mana replied "Because i will be the strongest person in Utopia". Halfy shares Lord Mana ideals in overthrowing the current ruler which he deemed as weak and unfit to rule the nation.

Merryfull Wish!

How long has it been chum? More than a year since the AIC Wars started?! Time flies, and i was thinking that this forum is only half a years old. when i rev back to the first post and the very first feedback it reads:

1st August 2010

Oh wow! Wow! Wow! AIC will hit the 2 years mark! I never see that one coming. did i mention the 3000+ views i was so happy! I wanted to cry my tears of joy. Thank you for your visit. Thank you for your time reading and commenting on my crappy works. I will be working twice as hard next year! Giving you more AIC goodness!

The "Rise of Watermark" arc will end this December-early January. This also mark a new AIC Wars episode: "Kingdom Of The Skies".

I also would like to take this oppurtunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Flight To Zelagross

Ume Modoki: Hello viewers...this is Ume Modoki reporting LIVE from the Utopia Great News Network. The Utopian Invasion Fleet has reached it's final preparations for war. The staff and personnel of the armada is now being assembled at theUtopian Air Force and Naval bases awaiting orders to launch... 

Silver: I think it's the last of the equipments we needed.

Min: ...taking into consideration that this is an all out operations and the Utopians Military is unaware of it, do carry some extra loads of ammo. There will never be any sorts of complains for having "to much ammo" during battle..

San Ji Q: (Laughs) ... then we will have to pay extra taxes for all the fuss. Take care guys, come back in one piece.

Deadbird: ...don't worry about things here. We will take care of the Queen.

Divinekid: Junna! I never tought you gonna come with me to Zelagross. What a surprise!

Junna: I never said i won't come...and i never expected you to assume the same as well (laugh) ...maybe there are some technical data which the Intelligence Department might find useful for future reference. I doubt it will be no gory for glory. Let's just say that i am just doing my job...and you, you are just following your instinct. Right?

Divinekid: ...about that night with that unknown person...

Junna: You truly believed what she was telling you?

Divinekid: ...about the assault fleet falling into some sort of trap, and the survivors of my race? I doubt that, but i am leaving my options open, so i sign up as a volunteer piloting the Utopian Gunship.

Junna: are defying your own judgement.

Divinekid: No, the truth don't least for now. Flying out there, be it a trap or not is far more better than sitting in the office with a full nation bursting for a revolt.

Junna: I'll take that you brought some friends with you...

Divinekid: The penguins are surprisingly reliable, Junna.

Ume Modoki: We just got word from the military facility...the Utopian Assault Fleet is about to launch! We will bring your viewing to the launching bay now!

Divinekid: This is the Utopian Gunship "Seagull 8" we are ready to launch at your mark...

Junna: Computer Systems, Navigation and weapons reading are all green. It took three person to drive this thing? No wonder you brought your penguins along.

Penguin 1: Engine at maximum power...launch clearance have been authorized. Launching the "Seagull 8"!

Lord Armdagger: This is the "Paper Crane". We are clear to launch! Ladies, please finalize the ship system check...

Blinkiddies: Shields up at seventy percent. Power output ninety five percent. Beam weaponry is charging at sixty percent...

Silver: Launch bay compartments, navigational...all green. we are good to go!

Silver: I hope Min and the rest of the gang won't mind the bumpy ride...

Blinkiddies: It might get a lot more bumpier once we reached Zelagross airspace!

Silver: Conventional bombing won't work on this ship...we have shields.

Lord Flame: The Noble Flame Battleship "Adamant" is ready. You may authorized my ship clearance anytime, flight control. For The Glory Of Utopia!

Flight Control: Good luck hunting my Lord Flame.

Lord Mana: Flight control, this is Lord Mana of "White Knight". I may sound less enthusiastic as Lord Flame, but my ships are ready to take of. Anytime you ready...out.

Flight Control: Understood Lord Mana. Good Luck!

The "Adamant" is one of the biggest most advanced warship in the Utopian Nation arsenal. Apart from numerous laser batteries, the deadliest weapon were located at the frontal tip of the ship. A large Ion Canon which could fire three simultaneous shots before recharging itself full again. A terrible sight, the Adamant can inflict heavy damage at the very first sign of engagement.

While the Adamant is more equipped for air-to-air warfare, the "White Knight" is focused more on air to ground operations. Like most capital ships from the Utopian sovereign nation of Watermark Kingdom, the White Knight was design more on infiltrations, bombings and economic blockade rather than a direct hit and destroy tactics. The white Knight boasted Superior shields and durable armor plated hulls. It however had moderate anti air capabilities, mainly against fighters.

Lord Armdagger: Looks like the launch sequences had been running smoothly. But...where are our mercenaries? Aren't they supposed to be flying with us...don't say they decided to turn tail and run from all that bundle of reward money.

Silver: I...did saw them entering the launch hangar along with the rest of the fleet personnel just before the lauch. They couldn't just flip over and quit...can they?

Blinkiddies: Ummm....where could they be?

Flight Control: This is flight control...mercenaries you had been given a flight clearance about twenty minutes ago, what's the hold up there?

Alonqexe: we are terribly sorry for the delay Flight Control, but there seems to be a problem with our ship. we need to do some scanning on its system and engines to see what's wrong with it.

Lutherniel: Damn this bucket of bolts! I told you Yuusuke is up to no good after all. I'm going to strangle that vermin!

Alonqexe: sure you checked everything Lutherniel? I swear it was okay yesterday when we did a pre-flight test with Yuusuke...

Lutherniel: I even used up my own personal money for it's rocket fuel...

Alonqexe: Rocket fuel?

Lutherniel: Yeah...tought we gonna be having a fast paced day today so i fueled it full yesterday...and now we had some problem with this bucket of bolts!

Alonqexe: Lutherniel, this is a light fighter jet not a battleship. You supposed to fill it up with Jet Fuel...

Lutherniel: Crap...

Thursday, November 17, 2011



Television Broadcast: ...and now for our national morning news with Utopia's top announcer...Ume Modoki.

Ume Modoki: The day that the world are waiting for is here. The Utopian war between two major classes had been dragging along for months had reach it's highest breaking point when the Queen declares an ultimatum to the rebellious commoner classes who had been rallying supporters at a location known as the "Plains Of Zelagross".

Queen Rasa's branded the resistance group as Utopian traitors and demanded them to cease all activities of resisting her rule. The rebels, demanded the Queen to step down from her throne after a series of unsatisfactory treatment towards the commoner class as well as charges that the Queen is draining the Utopian financial resources away by excessive and unnecessary spending of the state's treasury.

Queen Rasa and her loyal noble supporters demanded the rebels to backed down their resistance for the Utopian Queen. Refusal to do so will lead to Utopia's another endless civil war. The Utopian military will embarked on a military campaign to snuffed out the rebellion by aggression and force.

Today is the final day for the rebels to submit to Queen Rasa's ultimatum. Until now...nothing. An act of silence also means that the rebels had chosen to ignore the ultimatum and chosen an act of war instead.

Lord Flame, commander of the operation had already started the war briefing's for the invasion which is going to take place today. The lord stated that the Utopian troops are undivided in loyalty to the queen and leader of the Utopian state and will fight to the death at Zelagross in order to crush the rebels.

Lord Flame also informed us that the troops also in it's top fighting form. Eliminating speculations that had been clouding the issues that the Utopian army had recruited mercenaries to fill in the shortage of troops and war machinery due to the fact that many of the troops from the commoners background had turn away from the army and decided to support the rebels instead.

However earlier outside on the streets of the Utopian Metropolis, commoners had rallied n the streets holding demonstration's of protest towards Queen Rasa decision to wage war against her own people and labeled her as "unreasonable" and "ruthless" person.

Queen Rasa will address the Utopian senate and the people regarding this matter tomorrow, for now...anti riot units and reserves had been deployed all over the major parts of the Utopian Metropolis to subdued the commoners demonstrations to make sure things are under control.

As i speak the Invasion fleet are now at their last preparations before embarking to Zelagross. Rumours had it that this is by far the largest strike force ever assemble in Utopian military history, combining the military forces from the Utopian Military Core and it's sovereign nations from all over Utopian Colonies..

Will the rebels be crushed and Queen Rasa's military forces managed to solve this Utopian inner conflict? How would the commoners community reacted seeing their families and friends that had joined the rebels being mopped down by the commanding nobles. Will the senate approved the actions of Queen Rasa?

Whatever is the answer ladies and gentlemen, one thing is for sure...Utopia will never ever be the same again. I am Ume Modoki, bringing you live update on the assault of Zelagross.

...only on the Utopia Great News Network.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Alonqexe is a former medical student of the infamous Lecreg College in the outer nation of Elastria - all is going well until his homeland declared itself as the Utopian Nation supporter during the Utopian Expansion Era. The United Nation reacted swiftly by imposing economic sanction and establishing blockade over Elastria trade route.

Elastria economic pressure got the best of Alonqexe college funding and he had to halfway abandoned his dream to become a doctor. While he made plans to withdrew he stumbled upon Lutherniel who were busy delivering dead bodies to the college. Amused by Lutherniel's profession as a mercenary and a strong urge to gain quick money to finish his studies, Alonqexe made up his mind to join Lutherniel and forming a mercenary team - a team that will do anything for a low risk job.

Alonqexe is referred to as the "brainiac" of the team while Lutherniel resourcefulness throughout his mercenary careers allows him to established contacts and strike out deals for the duo.

Just like Lutherniel, Alonqexe choose to wielded firearms and had preferred long to mid range combat. Unlike Lutherniel, Alonqexe had narrowed down his choice to a pair of handgun and flashbangs slung over his shoulder.

Alonqexe marksmanship maybe of that of a rowdy cowboy, but as long as he keep his distance from the enemy, a random lucky shot or two can make a difference!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pieces On The Chessboard

Tangerine: ...right, everybody should know their role when we begin our assault on the Senate Hall. I wish we could bring more of the Eastern Empire members to participate in this extremely important mission...

Bada: excuse me my Lady, but there is a call from Nihja.

Tangerine: I hope the negotiations with the rebels harbours good news to our cause.

Bada: Here...

Tangerine: Hello...

The Eastern Empire members had all assembled themselves in the Utopian Capital. Tonight they have gathered at Lady Tangerine whereabouts to receive a final briefing from the Atlantian Prime Minister on the assault they planned during the Utopian Senate Assembly.

The chess pieces had been laid on the board, all that is left to initiate the final blow on Utopia was to win over the cooperation of the Zelagross Rebels under the command of Lord Velther.

Tangerine: Members of the Eastern Empires Knights, i bring too you all good news...Nihja had secured a deal with Lord Velther and had agreed to accept our "gifts" in order to strike a heavy blow on the Utopian Strike Force.

Bada: Congratulations, Lady Tangerine. That is good news indeed.

Tangerine: Unfortunately, Lord Velther are one tough person to convince...thus Nihja had to stay behind and offer them her service in joining the fight at Zelagross in order to win over their confidence. She requested two more Eastern Empires personnel to join her and operate the machines in Zelagross.

Bada: I will send Milkshake and Kanon straight away. They will reach Nihja's position before the Utopian Strike Force started their invasion on the rebel position.

Super Spectre: She won't be joining us in the attack on the capital?

Tangerine: No. But it's allright, having Nihja presence in Zelagross is a good thing as well. She should be able to give the Utopian a hard time on their assault and would buy us precious time before the Utopian could reorganize a backup plan to reinforce the capital city.

Super Spectre: The bulk of the Utopian forces will be all concentrated on Zelagross.

Bada: Nihja will destroy down as many as she can with the aide of our Anti Air weaponary, the more she kills...

Tangerine: ...the less people Utopian can spare for a race home to save the city and the queen.


Alonqexe: You are lending us THAT?!

Lutherniel: up too something?

Yuusuke: I heard you guys got stuck on the transport issues for the flight to Zelagross tomorrow, so i was lending you all my ride or there will be no cash for the two of you at the end of the fight.

Lutherniel: Oh yeah? If you are so generous enough to "lend us your ride", then how you going to get there yourself, boy...hitching a ride?

Yuusuke: i won't be going.

Alonqexe: You are not telling us that you are turning tails and run right Yuusuke?

Yuusuke: C'mon guys! you all knew me for quite sometimes now. Yuusuke never turn tails on a mission he accepted.

Lutherniel: So what's the big deal?

Yuusuke: I just got a new assignment from the top brass. They wanted some part of the team to stay back and guard the queen while you were on the road to eternal glory. Eventualy i got picked up along with a few other guys and a couple of those Avalonian cyborgs.

Lutherniel: Guarding the queen huh...tsk, that should be OUR job.

Yuusuke: So Lutherniel still wanna play it safe, eh? Well...fortune smiles brighter on me there guys. I just tagged along with the queen and when this whole crappy rebellion is over...the easy money is on me...hehehe!

Alonqexe: Damn...that is just so unfair!

Lutherniel: At least we got ourselves a ride to Zelagross there.

Alonqexe: I am not riding in that crammed up piece of modified junk.

Yuusuke: That's the fastest piece of junk you ever get to ride, I WILL DEMAND PAYMENT for any damage!

Alonqexe: Guess we have no choice...shut up Yuusuke!

Lutherniel: All these sudden change of plans, man this whole thing started to give me some bad luck vibes.

Alonqexe: Don't you dare start to talk about those bad luck things on me...


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