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The Utopian Federation story now shifted towards the struggle between the Nobles and the Commoners.

The enemy is not the only thing that awaits the adventurers, as the real culprit carefully crafted their schemes from behind the shadows and pretentous faces which hides their true intention of taking over the Utopian throne...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Episode 4: ...of Mercenaries, Cyborgs and Lawmen

Silver: Excuse me...could it be that you guys are participating in the Utopian unrest suppressing the commoners from hurting the nobles?

Alonqexe: (such nice words to mildly describes the gruesome reality behind it ) tell you the truth, we are getting into that...process. Yeah...evaluating options and calculating risks before coming out with our final decisions.

Silver: Hmmm..? Oh...okay. I am Silver. My fellow sisters and i are representing the Avalon Industries to aid the Utopian Federation facing this crisis. You are familiar with Avalon, don't you Mr...

Alonqexe: Alonqexe. This is my partner Lutherniel.

Lutherniel: For a moment there Shorty, I thought I might be left out from your conversation.

Alonqexe: Shut up Luther...Avalon had long been allies with the Utopian Federation, correct?

Lutherniel: Hey! That's my information you're stealin...

Alonqexe: Shut up Luther...

Lutherniel: You do anything to impress a chick don't you rat!

Silver: Hee...hee...yes, Lord Armdagger sent us as his gesture of support for the Utopians. So...which allied nation are both of you from?

Alonqexe: To tell you the truth, we are the Utopian Nobles "man-for-hire".

Lutherniel: Hey! We didn't decide on that yet...

Alonqexe: Shut up Luther...

Silver: Mercenaries! It’s okay to be motivated by money or any materialistic things. Everyone had his or her objectives in life.

Alonqexe: Thank you... (Is that a Cyborg way of complimenting other people)

Silver: Let me introduce you guys to my sisters...

Dead Bird - she is the leader of our team and the only person specialized in hand to hand combat. Dead Bird was personally assigned as Queen Rasa bodyguard once this crisis is over.

The ones drinking there is Vulpine - she handles all the heavy arms combat and very good at busting armored vehicles. She is the most reserved amongst the five of us. She doesn't speak much!

Whoammy - is our explosive expert...she excels at planting bomb traps, anti-personnel explosives and mines.

The one beside Whoammy is Min - suited for urban warfare and an anti riot unit. I hope that the uprising won't extend to the city.

Alonqexe: I hope not. How about you Silver?

Silver: As for me...I can't do combat. I function as a support unit for my sisters; offensive and defensive as well as coordination and recoveries. Sounds boring...huh?

Alonqexe: No…not at all. Nice team organization you got there. So your Avalon Lord sends you all here to help the Utopian Queen?

Silver: It's horrible! Why would the Utopians turn against their own Queen? She visited Avalon industries once while we were doing test operations. She is such a sweet and kind person. Lord Armdagger told us that Lord Velther is after the Utopian Throne. That's evil!

Alonqexe: either that or there is something else creeping behind the scenes...from what i've heard, the Utopian people are very unhappy during her reign. Especialy all the imbalanced treatment rumors between how the commoners and the nobles are treated in this country.

Lutherniel: Dude, you can't treat nobles like commoners, and you can't treat commoners as nobles...

From across the room: It's because Queen Rasa sucks!

...we were startled. Either this individual had lots of guts or plain stupid. The owner of the voice walks over to our table. We turn our heads...

Alonqexe: ...and you are?

Halfy: My name is Halfy, and i serve the Utopian Armed Forces even before you were born... (Looks over to Silver)...or being mass produced in factories.

Silver: That's a funny name.

Halfy: Walk yourself to the door of any other nation my lady and sees if anyone laughs at the name "Silver".

Lutherniel: Judging from your statement earlier Mr Halfy, i trust that you are on the opposition side of the Utopian conflict.

Halfy: Wrong. I swear my loyalty to Utopia…to Queen Rasa and to my Utopian King before her. However I won't be that strong headed either. Queen Rasa; she is not fit to rule Utopia...sadly she had no choice since the former king had no other legal bloodline apart from her.

Alonqexe: Care to explain?

Halfy: Gladly...


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Part 3: Tales From The Crossroad Cafe'

Legend has it that an ancient race founded Utopia…build it cities, taught the people science, commerce, agriculture and arts.

Before long, human had a firm hold on civilization. The Utopian city flourishes. Traders from all over the world flocked into Utopia.

There was peace…

…never had the ancients taught human how to take arms and wage war.

It was purely our own instinct; the human lust for conflict and bloodshed…it is our darkest nature.

…and under the reigns of the 3002th generation ruler of Utopia: Queen Rasa…the once peaceful Utopian people bathe in blood.

The whole carnage ended. The smell of blood and burned filled the air...the rebellion under the leadership of a defecting noble that turn against his own queen...
...has failed.
All that's left, on this barren land are bodies of the dead and dying.
I was there...witnessing the gruesome side of the human nature.
By commands of Lord Mana, two members of the Utopian Inteligence Inquisition were summoned to the Battlefield of Zelagross minutes after the end of the battle.
Divinekid, was the name of the other in charge of salvaging the battlefield of weapons and machineries....
While i was given the task to record the whole events...strangely under Lord Mana's personal request.

"The nobles shall remember not of this day...for it is a day of shame; yet relieved to see that in the end they could continue to grab hold onto their foolish power and status. The commoners had lost everything, Lord Velther had lost everything...the war here sees no justice at all. However i will remember this day, and you Lady Junna shall record this sorrowfull events for me." ...says Lord Mana does make sense, no nobles participating in this brutal campaign against their own people will ever wanted to be reminded of this day.
To avoid biased in my reports i started my research by disecting information from a neutrals point of view. Those who swear loyalties to no one...nor the nobles, not even the peaseants.
...the mercenaries.
It is during this investigations, Bunny Two...i happened to stumble across statements made by neumerous people claiming that they had a brief encounter with your long lost aunt....or to be exact; your "Sister-In-Law".
I had talks with one of the mercenaries taking part that day at Zelagross. His name is Alonqexe...and this is his report;
Three Days Before The Battle Of Zelagross Plains
The Crossroad Café,

Eastern Block, Utopian Spaceport,
Route 2A-872 Utopian Domestic Level,
00W WDE4 Utopian Federation Zone 3

True to its namesake and address, the café itself is a cross-junction for any visitors going in and out of Utopia.

…and after that heroic open channel speech made by Lord Velther together with his bands of rebel bandits, people will obviously going out of Utopia rather than going in; avoiding the coup de tat. Nobody is foolish enough to stay behind amidst the chaos that’s going to happen here. Things will get pretty nasty here in Utopia. I wonder if this café would still be here tomorrow morning.

Strange, while more and more people are checking out of this country, my partner Lutherniel and I checked in…

…we are looking for fortune, and opportunist riding the storms of conflicts and laugh at people’s misfortunes; admiring the cold hard cash, spending and savoring every last pennies; hunter of precious stones and diamonds.

…at any price as long as you pay, your wish is our command. We are the black vultures of war…we are MERCENARIES!

Are you familiar with the comic characters “Batman and Robin”? The same thing goes for me and Lutherniel. He’s Batman while I am the Robin. We are the best dynamic duo around, we plot and we do almost anything together.

…what kind of service are we doing? Everything! From babysitting to firearms robbery, assassinations to escorts…as long as the money’s good, we will be there.

With a list of almost infinite numbers of crazy kind of job ever being done by the two of us, nothing is as crazy as Lutherniel had suggested to me on that fateful day at the Crossroad Café…

Alonqexe: Let me get this straight…YOU wanted to get the two of us to participate in the Utopian Noble War against their own rebelling people?

Lutherniel: That’s right partner…and you know what, the Utopian Nobles are damn desperate on manpower, they are paying 3 Billion Utopian Credits per person. People hated them so much, even their own National Army had turn tails and join…whacammacallit…err…

Alonqexe: Lord Velther.

Lutherniel: Yeah…that guy… Lord Vader.

Alonqexe: Velther!

Lutherniel: Yeah…whatever. This is our chance man, after this whole rebellion thing is over…not only we are gonna be rich, the Queen might become so pleased and Knighted us as nobles herself! That’s for saving her arse…

Alonqexe: Okay, genius…who’s gonna save our backside then? Lutherniel, for your information…we are not messing around against angry peaseant with broomsticks here. We are fighting people that are fully supported and financed by the defecting nobles themselves. Surely they won’t be that poorly equipped.

Lutherniel: We just watch our backs. We are more into firearms so don’t have to charge up front with the rest of the hot blooded losers. We make sure our side wins; we get the cash and kiss the queen goodbye. Easy!

Alonqexe: I don’t know…I had a very bad feeling about this. We did a lot of crazy stuff together man, but this war, on the open grounds…anything can go wrong.

Lutherniel: Come on man! Think about the money, diamonds, pearls…anything the noble would offer us in exchange of saving their pitifull lives…

Alonqexe: Let me finish my meal first Luther…I'll think about it…

Lutherniel: …think of becoming an Earl…Baron…such prestige coming from the Queen…

I leave Lutherniel lost in his grandeur and wild fantasies. I looked across the spaceport café…a group at the café mini bar caught my attention…

…wow what do you know, an all girls group.

As a matter of fact, the ones in pink is waving at us!

Lutherniel: Assasin Cyborgs from the Neo Avalon Industries.

Alonqexe: Wha…are you serious?

Lutherniel nodded…

No doubt this whole Utopian Conflict is attracting more and more interesting people. Some for the money, some are representatives of the Utopian Allied Nation. I wonder…if there any more suprises to come?


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Part 2: The Plains Of Zelagross

The Plains of Zelagross. A tundra barren land filled with dirt and dust. The land was filled with jagged rocks and mountainous terrains give little room for small vegetation to grow out from its rocky cracks. There was never a human settlement here…no economical values, this land hold no precious earth resources. This place is a true wasteland.

How that day had completely change the barren surface… the battered shields and broken swords – gunsmoke and the deafening screams of the war cry echoes from every razor sharp mountain ridges. The very face of Zelagross will be covered in blood.

It was a conflict far greater in comparison to the later Utopian War. Strange, how little did we know about the battle which took place at that moment…that time?

“Do you know the reason why, Bunny Two?Lady Junna tilted her head to the side as she pour out a question to me…

I was thinking…”Um…supposed they ran out of pudding and started to get very nasty and…”

“Never mind…” Lady Junna took a deep breath and started her lecture about the events surrounding the Plains of Zelagross and its relation to the fall of Utopia. I wonder when I will get to hear anything related towards my lost aunt…

The battle at Zelagross is kept secret from public. The Utopian nobles eradicate all evidence of war between the commoners and the Utopian elites to prevent future uprisings in between the lower classes ranks.

Utopia is a trading country. A nation relies heavily on trading goods, skills and services as well as the introduction of various technologies from the outside world. The labor forces of utopia are mainly commoners while the government were managed by the nobles.

At the time of Queen Rasa's reign, most nobles began to take power into their own individual interest. The nobles began to compete amongst each others in term of building their own private armies, economical gains, firearms and technologies. Each noble represents their own country. For example, Lord Mana was a noble from the nation called the Water Kingdom while Lord Flame origin was from the regions of Badlands. I could name a few Lords that served Utopia and becoming a member of its government, but let’s get to the main core first shall we?

I nodded. “Yes…my aunt.”

In short, the commoners were poorly treated in the Utopian Federation during those days. There are a large numbers of abuse cases, poverty, corruption and not being able to voice their thoughts in the Utopian Federation government.

At last, the commoners had a few options in mind; to migrate to other nation - abandoning the place they once called home…to establish a new better nation under a leader or a more radical way; a way that cry out for justice…rebellion.

As time goes by, the Utopian Federation had done little to suppress the voice of unsatisfied commoners. People start moving out of the capital. Lords that are not convinced with the method use by Queen Rasa in managing the Utopian Federation began to break their allegiance…some resign their post…some created factions. The nobles grows stronger; Queen Rasa becomes insecure, burdurned and powerless. She is now no more than a puppet queen on the Utopian Federation throne. The pressure is slowly building up and the Utopians had not much time…

At the final stage of the chaos, curfews, court marshaled, spies, underground movement, resistance, military interventions…all these words was use throughout the land. The commoners are being oppressed by the nobles, yet who could they turn to asking for help?

On that fateful day, a noble tend to the commoners prayers. He is a man that will turn a barren land into a battlefield;

Lord Velther Von Dash.

"The day that snares the Utopian people by the neck is over. A revolution had taken place. Under the banner of freedom and peace, we as noblemen that had long serve the Utopians, the voice and the will of its people now will lend out our strength, our swords and shields; our lances, our firearms and our life for the oppressed and the weak…under the abusive iron fist rule of Queen Rasa!"

"This oppression towards our beloved Utopian people shall be extinguished. Poverty and disease of the mind and soul shall be purge and remedied. The ones being treated as dogs and slaves shall become the kings and the queens.

…and the nobles, those bloodsucking Utopian nobles who grovels at their Queen’s feet shall be punished and dragged to the dark cold dungeon chambers – court marshaled and hanged while our people shall will feast under the true banner of freedom and justice!"

"This is my word; this is my ultimatum! This is the promise that I Lord Lord Velther Von Dash…the noble champion who had been guarding the Utopian pact since the days of the ancient. My fellow noblemen and I will stand for the people and return to them what was rightfully theirs – yours!"

"Rally under my banner my dear Utopians. This time we have had enough; we will break down the status quo barriers that separates us. We nobles and commoners will stand together hand in hand to bring back the glory of our nation and we will bring down these people…these insects that had been draining our life for their own good! Down wilth Queen Rasa and her nobles!

…my dear Queen, prepare for your judgement!"

The Utopian Queen was furious...never before a mere noble had challanged her bloodline so openly. The rebellion must be crushed at all costs...and fast. She summons her nobles to the court and announced to them her own ultimatum...
"...bring back the head of Lord Velther on a plate, otherwise yours will be on it!"
The population began to stir. Factions started to built....people began to divide. The tension is getting more and more unbearable with each passing day...until that fatefull day, the unrest reaches it's boiling point...
...and right there at the Plains Of Zelagross, the Utopians; will settle the score...
...once and for all!

The nobles and their loyal supporters will fight for their status; their importance and position in the Utopian society...


...and the Utopian commoners, with the support of a few nobles who champions the will of the Utopian people - who struggled to cut themselves loose from the claim-to-be a corrupted Utopian goverment from the tyrannical rule of Queen Rasa...

...and no matter which side wins...

...blood will be spilled.
To Be Continued...

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